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Year 3 Class -Mrs Riches/Mrs Hugo-Schofield



Class Topic


Term 1 & 2 

'Caves, Clubs, Stones & Bones'


Click here for Glossary of Key Words
Homework is designed to help the children develop and extend skills taught in the classroom. Therefore, every child will be expected to complete homework in Year 3. Homework will be set every Friday and will be due back on Thursday each week. It will include a piece of Maths and English work each week. In Maths, we will practise times tables and in term one we will focus on the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s. Please use Times Table Rockstars to help your child practise. We will use this website to set some maths homework. English will include a fortnightly list of spellings or a grammar activity. Occasionally the children may be asked to carry out a task to investigate our topics more instead.
The children will need to read every day to help them increase their phonics knowledge and broaden their vocabulary. Please read with your child for 15 minutes a day. You will be provided with a home/school reading diary to record the children's reading and they will be given opportunities to complete book tasks and win raffle tickets for their efforts.
Recommended Reading Books

Notice Board

PE days: Wednesday and Friday

Weekly Mile: Monday

Indoor kit: navy shorts, white polo top/ t- shirt and plimsolls.

Outdoor kit: navy sweatshirt and joggers, trainers and a white t- shirt/ polo shirt.

Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for PE and that all clothing brought into school is clearly named.

Term 3 Shared Lesson: Thursday 6th February 2025 2:00-3:00pm

Term 4 Shared Lesson: Tuesday 18th March 2025 8:45am-9:45am

Class Assembly: t.b.c

Forthcoming Event: Visit to The Oxfordshire Museum Thursday 30th January 2025

Class Blog

Click here for access to Class Blog

Child's username (email) and password will be required for access

Contact Us

Queensway Primary School
Brantwood Rise, Banbury
Oxon, OX16 9NH

01295 251 631

Mrs Sarah Horbury-Jakeman