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  • Science Oxford

    Published 11/07/24
    'Big Science' Event
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  • Year 5 Theatre Trip to Tudor Hall

    Published 10/07/24

    Last week, Year 5 were invited to Tudor Hall to watch a play…in French! The children were amazing at using their deducing and interpreting skills to follow the story and had a fantastic morning.

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  • French Week

    Published 10/07/24
    To celebrate that the Olympics are taking place in Paris this summer, we had a sports-themed French Week at Queensway. The children split into teams and represented a French-speaking country. They researched that country, made flags and learnt some p
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  • Science Week 2024

    Published 23/04/24
    Last term we held a Science Week here at Queensway and everywhere you looked the children were joining in with all things Science! The children took part in the ‘Big Science Competition’ and worked in small groups to plan and ca
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  • Modern Foreign Languages for Year 4

    Published 16/04/24
    At the end of last term, 4AP enjoyed a visit from Year 10 pupils at Blessed George Napier School who had come to teach them a modern foreign language. The class was split into three groups - one group was taught Spanish, one German and one
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  • Queensway Song

    Published 12/03/24
    Following on from the article in the Christmas newsletter, we are proud to now share our finished Queensway Song with you. The children and staff are really pleased with it as we feel it represents what it means to be a pupil at our school. Chil
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  • Big Garden birdwatch

    Published 29/02/24
    On Friday 26th January, Queensway’s Science Club went to a local park (Browning Road Park) to take part in the RSPB’S ‘Big Garden Birdwatch’. On the walk we found house sparrows, multiple greenfinches, robins, a couple of
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  • Planetarium visit to queensway

    Published 28/02/24
    Blast off…! On Monday 19th February, the Planetarium returned to Queensway School! The children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 5 all had the opportunity to visit the Planetarium and explore the night sky to enrich their space topics. During
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  • Red Nose Day 2024

    Published 28/02/24
    On Friday 15th March we will be holding a non-school uniform day in aid of Comic Relief. Our school is excited to be joining with many others around the UK to participate in the fundraising programme. As part of this day, children will be encourag
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  • Science Day Poem Competition 2024

    Published 28/02/24
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  • Year 6 - Live Science Workshop

    Published 15/12/23
    During our live online lesson, we were introduced to the Linnean Society Museum and studied the findings of Carl Linneaus. In addition, we looked at his classification chart, which included five columns and described various different species of vert
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  • Year 4 and 5 Library Visits

    Published 15/12/23
    This term has been a very exciting one for Years 4 and 5 as they visited the Banbury Library in town. The children were very excited to visit, especially those children who had never experienced a library visit before. Children were able to meet
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Contact Us

Queensway Primary School
Brantwood Rise, Banbury
Oxon, OX16 9NH

01295 251 631

Mrs Sarah Horbury-Jakeman