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Ways You Can Get Involved in School

At Queensway, we welcome and encourage parents and carers into school. We offer a range of activities and events throughout the year, which can give that first-hand experience of entering your child’s school environment. It provides an valuable insight into their daily routines and learning, as well as seeing the expectations of each step of their education journey.

Throughout the year, each class will invite families to join their class assemblies. These are held once per term. This is a great way to have an overview of what your child has been learning in a range of subjects that term and always prove to be highly entertaining as well as informative!

Equally, all classes invite parents to attend shared lessons in their classrooms. You will participate in lessons from across the curriculum alongside your child, which is a fantastic way to engage directly with your child’s learning. 

When families first join our Reception classes at Queensway, they are invited to workshops led by the Foundation Stage team. The aim of these is to familiarise parents and carers with approaches and methods used from those crucial early school years, which enables adults to use a common language when supporting work at home. Other events include: spelling workshops, music workshops, sporting events, Summer picnic evenings and more.

Parents are valuable resources to our school - if you have a particular skill you can offer, please get in touch. This could be becoming a volunteer reader, leading a session where classes can learn a new language or provide a presentation about your job on a Career’s themed day.

Families are always welcome to join us at Queensway!

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Contact Us

Queensway Primary School
Brantwood Rise, Banbury
Oxon, OX16 9NH

01295 251 631

Mrs Sarah Horbury-Jakeman