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Year 6 Class - Miss Jeffries


Class Topic


Term 1 & 2

Term 3

Term 4

'Journey to the Centre of the Rainforest'

'Mayan Civilisation'

'The Industrial Revolution'

Letters Home


Click here for Glossary of Key Words
Please make sure that your child is reading every night for at least 15 minutes. If your child is a confident reader please still ask them about what they are reading, about the characters or the plot. Make sure your child reads some non-fiction too-a magazine, the football pages, an information book linked with the topic.
Recommended Reading Books
Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected in the following Thursday. If Year Six children are finding the homework difficult then they must bring it in and ask for some help with it to help increase their independence.

Notice Board

PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday

Weekly Mile: Friday 

Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for PE and that all clothing brought into school is clearly named.

Indoor kit: navy shorts, white polo top/ t- shirt and plimsolls.

Outdoor kit: navy sweatshirt and joggers, trainers and a white t- shirt/ polo shirt.

Term 4 Shared Lesson: Tuesday 25th March 2025 2:00-3:00pm

Class Assembly: t.b.c

Forthcoming Event: t.b.c

Class Blog

Click here for access to Class Blog

Child's username (email) and password will be required for access

Contact Us

Queensway Primary School
Brantwood Rise, Banbury
Oxon, OX16 9NH

01295 251 631

Mrs Sarah Horbury-Jakeman