Reception Owls - Mrs Guntrip
Class Topic
Term 1
'Good to be Me!'
Knowledge Organisers
Letters Home
Children will be given one piece of Maths and one piece of phonics homework each week. This will be set on a Friday and is due back by the following Thursday. We ask parents to upload the children's homework to Evidence me in the form of photographs and videos of the children completing the homework.
Recommended Reading Books
Notice Board
PE Day - Tuesday am
Forest School: Friday - Term 3 and 5
Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for PE, along with trainers for outdoor PE and that all items are clearly named.
Indoor kit: navy shorts, white polo top/ t- shirt and plimsolls.
Outdoor kit: navy sweatshirt and joggers, trainers and a white t- shirt/ polo shirt.
Term 3 Shared Lesson: Tuesday 28th January 2025 2:00-3:00pm
Term 4 Shared Lesson: Monday 17th March 2025 2:00-3:00pm
Forthcoming Event: t.b.c
Click here for letter formation phrases
Class Timetable
Class Blog
Click here for access to Class Blog
Child's username (email) and password will be required for access