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Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

To celebrate the Big Garden Birdwatch 2023, the children who attend Science Club took part in  bird watching around our school site! Before the event, the children carried out an investigation looking into how birds fly. The experiment involved using a balloon, some feathers and air to see how birds travel. The children then created some eye-catching posters to promote the Big Garden Birdwatch and placed them around the school to encourage other children to take part in the survey. On Friday, the children put on their coats and grabbed a pair of binoculars before  heading outside to count the different species of birds that landed on our school’s field. The children were fantastic at identifying the different types of birds and recording their results. Well done to all the children that took part at school and at home.

Contact Us

Queensway Primary School
Brantwood Rise, Banbury
Oxon, OX16 9NH

01295 251 631

Mrs Sarah Horbury-Jakeman